Embrace the Energies of the Pink Moon: A Full Moon Ritual for Spiritual Growth

The Pink Moon is a powerful and transformative time that offers us the opportunity to examine our relationships and find balance in our lives.

As the first full moon of spring, it signifies a period of thawing and igniting energy, making it the perfect time to release old patterns and embrace new beginnings. In this blog article, we'll guide you through a special Pink Moon ritual designed to help you tap into the energies of this magical moon and foster spiritual growth.


  1. Choose a sacred space: Find a comfortable, quiet place where you can perform your ritual, either indoors or outdoors. Ideally, select a spot where you can see the moon in its full glory.

  2. Gather your supplies: For this Pink Moon ritual, you'll need a pitcher of water, a large bowl, a small towel or dishcloth, a candle with matches or a lighter, and a journal and pen if desired.

The Ritual

Step 1: Cleansing and grounding

Begin by lighting your candle and taking a few moments to center yourself. Close your eyes, take a few deep breaths, and visualize a grounding connection to the earth below you. As you breathe in, imagine the warm, nurturing energy of Mother Earth flowing up into your body, filling you with a sense of peace, stability, and strength.

Step 2: Water ritual

Pour the pitcher of water into the large bowl. This water represents the thawing energies of the Pink Moon, signifying the release of old patterns and habits. Submerge the small towel or dishcloth into the water, then gently wring it out over the bowl.

Hold the damp cloth in your hands and take a moment to reflect on any patterns or habits you wish to release during this moon phase. As you do so, imagine the water absorbing these patterns, allowing you to let go and move forward.

Step 3: Setting intentions

Next, take your journal and pen and write down your intentions for this Pink Moon ritual. What do you wish to manifest during this potent time? Focus on areas related to balance, relationships, and personal growth. Be as specific as possible, and write down as many intentions as you feel called to.

Step 4: Meditation and visualization

Close your eyes and take a few deep breaths, connecting with the energy of the Pink Moon. Visualize the moon's light surrounding you, infusing you with its transformative power. As you breathe in, imagine this light filling your body, mind, and spirit, empowering you to manifest your intentions and embrace new beginnings.

Step 5: Closing the ritual

Finally, extinguish the candle, knowing that your intentions have been heard and are being manifested. Take some time to reflect on your experience and journal about any insights, emotions, or messages that arose during the ritual.


The Pink Moon is a beautiful and transformative time to connect with the energies of balance, relationships, and personal growth. By performing this simple but powerful ritual, you'll be embracing the energies of the Pink Moon, allowing you to release old patterns and step into your power. May the magic of the Pink Moon guide you on your spiritual journey.

Full Moon Special - Energy Clearing & Activation

If the energies of the full moon get intense for you - I’m offering private channelings, energy activations and healings (I work with Theta Healing). You just share with me your current situation and what what you would like to release and activate within you. I will then send you a private channeling per audio file within 48 hours.

Energy exchange: 111€

I also offer channelings on a group level - in this case I tap into the collective conciousness and energy of the current moon and do the energy clearings and activations on what’s alive in the collective and the group who has signed up.

It will be send to you per audio file.

Energy Exchange: 37€


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